Favorite Photos

Yugama Crater Lake of Mt. Shirane

As some of you might know I had a great time during my summer vacation. I visited various places, but today I want to share one of my highlights with you: The Yugama Crater Lake of Mt. Shirane

Favorite Photo #4: Crater Lake Yugama

Crater Lake Yugama, Mt. Shirane, Kusatsu, Gunma Prefecture

*Click to enlarge

What you see in the photo is one of the three crater lakes of the volcano Mt. Shirane (白根山).
It is a 2160 m active volcano in Kusatsu, Gunma Prefecture. It’s called Kusatsu Shirane (草津白根山) to avoid confusion with Mt. Nikko Shirane (日光白根山)on the other side of Gunma Prefecture.

Yugama” (湯釜, lit.: hot water pot) is the largest of Mt. Shirane’s crater lakes and looks stunning with its turquoise color and with rafts of yellow sulfur floating on its surface. The caldera lake measures 300m in diameter and 30m in depth and the water temperature is approximately 18°C.
Because of its very high acid level of about PH1.0, plants cannot grow around this lake.

You can easily access “Yugama” by bus from Kusatsu’s bus terminal and then hike up for about 20 minutes. It’s an easy hike!

Important visitor’s note:

Hiking is only possible from mid April to early November!


Yugama is a stunning site – a lot more breathtaking than any photo can express!
The nearby Kusatsu Onsen Resort is also totally worth a visit. You can easily do both as a day trip if you are already in Gunma Prefecture.


  • Das muss beeindruckend sein dort davor zu stehen, sieht jedenfalls klasse aus. :thumbup: …aber, *schmunzelt*, kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor, zumindest mal spontan bei ‘streetview’ geschaut… :mukatsuku:
    Mt.Shirane, Agatsuma District, Gunma Prefecture, Japan

    Macht aber nichts, soll doch kein Vorwurf oder dergleichen sein, wunderte mich nur das ich beim erst bestem ‘blauen Bubble’ den Treffer landete. xD

    But by the way, thanks for writing. :luvit:

    • Was würdest du mir denn vorwerfen wollen? *g*
      Es gibt nur eine Stelle von wo aus man Fotos von dem Kratersee machen kann.
      Natürlich sehen sich da die Fotos alle recht ähnlich! ^^

      • Nichts, wo denkst du denn hin :teary: …ich war wirklich nur wahnsinnig erstaunt, als ich mal schaute, wo das denn ist und mich mal auf googlemaps ‘umgeschaut’ und *huch*, da war dann gleich das Bild von dir zu sehen. Also absout kein Vorwurf! :hum:

        Da kommt man dann anscheinend nur von einer Seite da hin, jetzt verstehe ich das auch xD

        Aber deines sieht qualitativ natürlich wesentlich besser aus :D

  • Ahh, I wanna go to a place like this!! :heart: It just looks like such a chill place. I also wonder if that onsen nearby has any special mineral pools from the volcano :shiawase: Ah, this is has to be the coolest looking spot in Japan that I’ve seen ever :stars:

  • I love your blog and this looks like an awesome out of Tokyo experience ….can I get to Katasu with my Japanese rail pass?

    • I don’t know Katasu, never heard of it.
      Do you mean Kusatsu by any chance?
      If so the nearest station is: Naganohara-Kusatsuguchi. From there you can take a JR bus to Kusatsu Onsen.
      The Japan Rail Pass is valid on both the trains and the bus.

  • Leider ist der Vulkan zur Zeit gesperrt und die Busse halten dort nicht…

    Due to volcanic activity, buses do not operate to Mount Shirane.

    • Thanks for the input, Tessa. ^____^

      That’s the thing with volcanoes, stuff like that happens all the time. It’s especially annoying when they suddenly spit out toxic fumes and you cannot visit them although you’re already there. ^^;

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