Today, I’m just writing to let you know that there won’t be regular blog posts for a while.
I’ll be busy travelling around Japan a lot in the next few months. And I’ll be back with (hopefully) a lot of breathtaking photos, useful information and new places I can introduce to all of you.
I’ll leave the rice fields in front of my apartment behind.
I won’t travel for months without a break, but I’ll be busy even during the short period(s) when I’m in my Japanese apartment. I don’t know if I’ll have time to post any blog posts during this intensive and exciting Japan travel time or not, but I wanted to make sure you all know what’s going on at least.
This period will probably last until late autumn.
This is a photo of one of my previous trips: Miyajima (Hiroshima) in November 2010.
If you want to see where I’m going and want to get “live updates”, make sure to follow me either on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I’ll try to publish photos daily there.
Feel free to ask me questions on those platforms. I’m also happy about comments or suggestions while I’m on the go.
Please understand that I won’t be able to comment or reply to e-mails for a while, but don’t worry this blog is not shutting down or anything like that. I’m simply very busy – in a good way – and I hope you’ll follow me along my journey.
One of my favorite places in summer: Gujo Hachiman (Gifu) in August 2012.
If you happen to be there in August, definitely check out the awesome Gujo Odori.
You can use this chance to tell me what you’d like to read about here on Zooming Japan in the future.
I hope you understand and hope you’ll stick around.
Have a great summer, everyone!
Hello Zooming,
I’m ready to follow you on twitter, instagram and facebook :-)
Have an extraordinary trip and if you see a foreign man who film Japanese castles perhaps it’s should be me.
Enjoy your trip and your adventure
Hi Julien!~
Thanks so much. As I went to Hokkaido for 16 days, there weren’t any castles to explore. As you might know Matsumae Castle is pretty much the only Japanese-style castle in Hokkaido.
I also don’t have any castles lined up for my upcoming trip, but that doesn’t mean I won’t see any along the way. ;)
Very cool, Jasmine. What’s up with your job situation that you can take so much time off?
I’m actually in the U.S. on vacation now, and will be writing a post about how it looks from a “Japanese” perspective. It’s interesting that you chose to spend your vacation in the country rather than traveling. Still a lot to see, I suppose.
By the way, love the photo of the rice field. Reminds me of a place I lived before I moved back to the big city.
There’s been a scare about Ebola in the US recently and I wonder if you will have any trouble getting back into Japan… Hmmmm!
Gaaa…I’m already super paranoid. America is a scary enough place without some terrible virus. Definitely not shaking anybody’s hand.
I don’t think that 2 weeks of summer vacation is a lot. I know that ALTs get A LOT MORE than that. I just happened to be lucky this year to also get some time off in autumn, so I’ll enjoy it to the fullest. Vacation time is usually very rare, so I gotta take what I get, right? :D
Oh, I can’t wait to read about it. :)
You don’t consider visiting things in Japan as travelling? I do. And yes, there’s still so much to see – although I’d like to explore places outside of Japan at some point as well, esp. Hawaii, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand. ^__^;;
Hope you have / had a great time in the U.S.
Have a great trip Jasmine and I’m really intrigued to find out where you are heading this summer. Will it be up north to the cooler climate of Hokkaido or Tohoku or maybe down south to the Okinawa islands that you enjoyed so much previously. Look forward to hearing and seeing all about your trip. Stay safe and have fun!
Haha, your guess was spot on. As you now know, my first trip (16 days) was to Hokkaido as I went to Okinawa last year. I was thinking about going to the Ogasawara Islands (and considering that it was pretty much the only spot that was not hit by the typhoon I probably should have), but Hokkaido was nice, too.
Stay tuned to see where I’m going next month. ^_____^
Did you go somewhere for obon?
We are about to head to Mie Prefecture to spend a few days there. Will be visiting the Ise, Toba and Shima area with a few stops for castles along the way :)
Sounds great! Can’t wait to see some photos of your trip! Enjoy. ^____^
Have a fantastic adventure, Jasmine! Can’t wait to hear about it all! (*^_^)v
Aww, thank you so much! ^____^
I just came back from my first trip a few days ago. As you know I went to Hokkaido. Now, I’m busy back at work and planning my next few trips that will come up very soon. ^^
Hi J.,
Glad and sad that your traveling; glad to know that new things are coming, but sad that I won’t read posts as often. I’m a wee bit old school and refuse to Twit, Face or Insta on the net… never have and never will. I hate “Big Brother” (referring to George Orwell’s book “1984” see below) watching over us; using our meta data to predict if we are a threat to their evil empire: wait NOOOOO that’s Star Wars isn’t it… LOL! BTW, I was too MAAANLY to comment on the last blog post, there was waaaaay too much pink….. ;P . Actually, I just couldn’t think of anything to say.
From Wiki: “Since the publication of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the term “Big Brother” has entered the lexicon as a synonym for abuse of government power, particularly in respect to civil liberties, often specifically related to mass surveillance.
Hi Bud!
That’s too bad, you missed all my Hokkaido photos then, but of course I understand. Don’t ask how long it took me to join Twitter, Facebook and the likes. ;)
I’m sorry that I can’t provide new blog posts for a while, but I hope you stay tuned because I’ll be back. [insert crazy laughter]
Have fun! That sounds incredible :)
I hope you have a lovely time and I can’t wait to see pictures from your trip!
Thanks, Grace.
My Hokkaido trip didn’t work out according to my plan, but I still enjoyed it a lot.
Now, I’m busy back at work and planning out my next trip which is coming up very soon. (*-*)b
Have a great trip!
I’m back from my first one and planning the next at the moment. Thank you. :)
Looking forward to see photos of your trip!
A very late reply, but I hope you enjoyed the photos of Hokkaido.
More is coming up very soon! ^____^
I love traveling Japan! So much beauty in such a small country!
Absolutely! And there’s always something new to see. It never gets boring! ^___^
hola zoomingjapan recien descubri tu pagina y bueno apenas puedo manejar el ingles pero puedo leerlo pero no escucharlo o escribirlo
cada vez que intento escribirlo por internet la mayoria de los que saben ingles reaccionan con xenofobismo y responden con agresividad demostrando su extrema ignoracia llamandome maldito mexicano cuando es obvio que son muchos paises mas que se habla español
me preguntaba ya que tu viajas mucho y la gente ciertamente nota por pronunciacion o algo que eres extranjero como lidiarias con eso….
y bueno obviamente eso me impide poder comunicarme porque prefiero ni intentar escribir ingles antes que obtener una respuesta insultante de gente racista
sin mas te envio mis saludos
Hola Lenida. No sé si Jasmine te pueda responder ya que ella sabe Español pero no sé si a un nivel nativo. Pero ya que puedes leer en inglés, te recomendaría leer su serie “a German Alien in Japan” en este mismo blog, en la etiqueta “life in japan”, Vínculo: donde tiene varios artículos sobre su vida en Japón como extranjera que pueden ayudar un poco a responder tus preguntas desde su propia perspectiva. Todo el blog es excelente así que sin más que agregar te recomiendo que navegues por sus etiquetas y contenidos. Que tengas una feliz lectura :D
Rusu, thanks for jumping in. My Spanish is really not good enough. :D
disfrute mucho de la lectura y gracias por responder la razon por la que no respondi antes es porque estoy deprimido y aun ahora lo estoy por cuestiones personales
el blog es interesante si aunque me cuesta mas tiempo de lo normal por la barrera de idioma pero al mismo tiempo es de agradecer que este ingles porque es el idioma mas internacional actualmente
es curioso como funciona el mundo porque en el 1 puesto el mas hablado es el chino por poblacion luego el ingles porque es el que mas se enseña y luego esta en 3 puesto el español pero lo curioso es que si vas a wikipedia o vas a lo largo de internet casi todo se encuentra en ingles es como si no importara cuantos hablen X idioma el ingles se impone en todos lados
muchas veces encuentro tutoriales en español como en ingles y nose si a ti te habra pasado pero resulta curioso como los tutoriales en español comparado con el ingles estan pesisamente explicado de hecho es mas recomendable leerlos directos en ingles porque estan mucho mejor detallado y mejor explicado
el problema de eso es que la mayoria de los tutoriales en español se asume automaticamente que la persona que lo va leer es alguien que sabe y cometen el error de explicarlo como si fueses alguien que ya tiene experiencia
mientras en el ingles se explica detalladamente como si nunca lo hubieses o escuchado en tu vida es algo que veo y me molesta mucho que muchos hispanos hablantes como lo de españa tomen ese camino deberian ponerse mas en el lugar del lector
bueno siento haber escrito mucho gracias y adios
pd una de las cosas que mas odio de internet es claro el hecho de que estas en el teclado entonces segun con quien hables te si es estadounidense te dice maldito mexicano y luego esta porsupuesto los españoles que te dicen maldito sudacca a proposito es algo que ya me esta cansando cada vez me dan menos ganas de escribir nada eso es porque obviamente en un teclado te puedes hacer el valiente y decir toda clases de porquerias
Lenida, I’m so sorry that I cannot reply in Spanish.
I’ve learned some Spanish in school, but I’ve forgotten most of it – although I think it’s such a lovely language. I really should sit down and study Spanish again! ^___^
I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. I do travel a lot, but only in Japan, so I think my experience wouldn’t really help you.
I don’t understand why some people would say such horrible things to you. :(
No wonder you have no confidence in your English. I just wish I could give you some good advice but other than … try to brush up your English and don’t worry about what a few stupid people say to you … I really don’t know what to say. ^^;
Good luck to you! *virtual hug*
thank you for answer bot rusu a zooming it read all articles about alien german and all this articles answer my question on the first coment
but there something interesing about zooming write for example say in article where explain how easy foreigner male it easy get date in japan and how women it hard to get date
in this article explain the most foreign lover whit a women of this country they dont know how to speak japanese or do most thing of japan because the women do for them
and in other article explain the man japaneses dont want a women independen she say the man want the women take care of the house and kids no more (something like that say)
and this it interesing because that maybe the reason because MAYBE I DONT KNOW IM NOT SURE BUT MAYBE the women japanese want a foreign because they have more freedom? they can get out of the house and do more stuff?? or im wrong?
sorry my bad write english but like you can see i dont write very well and MUCH LESS SPEAKING it funny like this sound but nobody teach me english y learn form miself reading and reading and LISTENING no more….
thank you for answer and thank you for the virtual hug
I don’t know, lenida.
I’m not sure what Japanese women who want to date foreigners really are thinking. Maybe it’s because they’re more passionate and showing more affection.
And maybe it’s because they want to be different, so if they’re dating a foreigner they’re already quite different from the rest of Japanese women. ;)
Don’t worry. I understand what you’re writing and I’m sure others do, too.
And wow! For studying all on your own, your English is really quite good already. ^__^
i have one last question usually i dont put mi name on internet mi real name because of privacy and also everithing you say on internet never forget
but doubt i have
mi full name it ****** ””’ ********now in article you explain who have middle name have more problem than who have only 2
so in this case if must convert mi full name this name less than 15 character or more? because you said it a big problem for machines in bank when you need credit insert a larguer name than 15 letter
dummy question iknow
can you give your email? or no?
sorry for that but i have curiosity
I edited your comment, so your real name is not visible to others anymore. I think that’s safer. ;)
Btw. your last name sound German. :D
Don’t worry too much! Actually your name wouldn’t be too long if you turn it into Japanese katakana and unless you have to register for something “official” online, you won’t have many problems. It just can be annoying sometimes. ;)
thank you for answer and delete name i dont know what more to say only thank you