“A wise man climbs Mt. Fuji once, only a fool climbs it twice.” (一度も登らぬ馬鹿、二度登る馬鹿。)...
Category - Travel
I’ve travelled to all 47 Japanese prefectures and share here all my travel experience, tips and hidden gems. Want to travel to Japan, but still need some inspiration? Then this is for you!
Top 3 Night Views in Japan
Japan loves lists, so it’s not a surprise that you’ll find lists for almost everything...
Ainoshima – Yet Another Cat Island in Japan
You like cats? You know about those fancy cat cafés and you’ve visited Tama already? Well...
Accessible Japan: How to Live and Travel in a Wheelchair?
Today we have a great guest post by Josh of “Accessible Japan” who’ll talk about...
Why Manga Fans Should Visit Kansai
Are you interested in manga? Then you definitely should visit Kansai, especially Kyoto. Why, you...
Aioi Peron Matsuri – Dragon Boat Racing Festival near...
If you happen to visit the beautiful Himeji Castle towards the end of May, you might want to...
How To Do a Maiko Dress-Up in Kyoto
Kyoto has so many beautiful sights to offer, but there’s something you definitely should try...
Kawachi Fuji Garden in Kitakyushu
Besides cherry blossoms and shibazakura, Japan has some beautiful wisteria in spring. But you need...
Fuji Shibazakura Festival Lets You Enter A Pink Dream World
Are you ready to enter paradise? Don’t worry, it’s easier than you probably think...
Top 9 Cherry Blossom Spots in Tohoku and Hokkaido
It’s cherry blossom season in Japan right now. But don’t panic if you missed it...
Kerama Islands – Okinawa’s Snorkeling Paradise
I guess it’s not a secret anymore that I’m a huge Okinawa fan. Okinawa is so beautiful...